ICRARE’23 Presentation Guidelines

  • Electronic projection is required for all technical papers.
  • The projection medium is either PowerPoint or PDF (Adobe Acrobat).
  • A PC and a data-show will be available in each conference room.
  • When preparing your electronic presentation, carefully follow the instructions in this webpage. We also urge you to use your corporate or affiliation template with each slide including ICRARE'23 in the footer portion. Following these instructions is critical to the preparation of your presentation.
  • Please bring an electronic copy of your presentation to the ICRARE'23. You may use a CDROM or an USB flash memory card.


  • A PC will be available to upload your presentation at the registration desk.
  • However, we highly recommend that you send us your presentation before the beginning of the conference, atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  In addition, please send us a one-paragraph biographical sketch.
  • Very Important: Files have to be named using the paper ID.

 Preparing Your Presentation

  • Read these instructions carefully and completely. Your audience is accustomed to presentations that rely on visual aids. Consequently, they expect material that is readable from all seats in the room. The following information will assist you in preparing your visuals and meeting the standards of quality expected by the Conference Committee and audience.
  • PowerPoint Presentation Template: Your chosen PowerPoint template should contain suitable colors and fonts. Even if you do not plan to use PowerPoint, carefully review the information in the PowerPoint template.
  • Use of animation is discouraged. Animation may only be used for its unique ability to show the evolution of a process over time.

Suggestions for a good presentation

  • Briefly outline your talk and what will be covered.
  • Define your problem. What led to your work? What were your objectives?
  • Use your presentation to visualize the essential points of your talk. Be selective.
  • Keep concepts as simple as possible and limit each page to one main idea.
  • Use several simple figures rather than one complicated one, especially if you plan to discuss it at length.
  • Make a clear conclusion. Suggest potential applications.

Presentation Preparation

  • Leave 1/2″ or 1cm margin on all four sides.
  • All pages should be in a horizontal format, not vertical.
  • High contrast is important. Use white, or yellow text only on a medium blue background.
  • Use Arial Bold font. Do not use fonts smaller than 24 point.
  • For pages with text only, use no more than 30 words and no more than 6 lines, double spaced per slide.
  • For illustrations, make all lines, numbers, and captions of sufficient thickness and size so that they are projected clearly. Again, use Arial Bold font and do not use fonts smaller than 24 point
  • Use duplicate copies of a page if you need to refer to it at different times in your presentation. Do not rely on moving back to previously shown pages.

Presenting Your Paper

  • Report to the room assigned to your presentation 15 minutes before the session begins. Your Session Chair will instruct you on use of the microphone and the controls to advance the images in your presentation.
  • You will have a laser pointer to direct the audience’s attention to a particular area of an image during your presentation.
  • Time Allowed for Presentation: Regular papers are allotted 15 minutes, The Session Chairperson will introduce the speakers and will moderate the question-and-answer period.